All the features your business can grow with in one platform

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Free Data Migration

Migrate your ecommerce site data such as transactions, order history, customer records, products, pricing, attributes, categories, and much more with magefai

Personalized Marketing Help

The key to personalized marketing is relevance. eCommerce brands that use personal data to understand their audience and create relevant campaigns are likely to be rewarded.

Launch My Store Plus (LMS+)

Launch your eCommerce site online to your special eCatalog page. Integrating eCommerce into your LMS involves multiple factors that Edly considers while customizing the LMS according to its client’s requirements.

Marketing Campaigns Management

Ad Campaign Management and Optimization providing full-service advertising & campaign management using AI on Google, Facebook, Instagram and more.

Social Media Management

Ongoing Management & Optimization, Ongoing ad account management, Daily account monitoring of social ads, magefai can help you identify and set up ad targeting options that will produce the best results for your eCommerce site.


magefai brings analytics and reporting tools to help you grow your eCommerce business. Get insights into your sales, products, customers, Identifying possible problems or opportunities early on enables you to act timely and proactively.


Professional eCommerce Reports

Our eCommerce Reporting feature measures your ROI and make data-backed business decisions. Keep track of your sales, media spend, and advertising.

Export Reports

Automate, Customize, Summarize and Analyze any Data in your Store. Export reports through Email, FTP/SFTP and Google Drive.

Request your Free demo of magefai

Let us help you get started with the right tools for your business.



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